Author Danielle Haas is on the blog today to chat about her romantic suspense novel, Bound by Danger. Welcome, Danielle! Author Name: Danielle M Haas Book Title: Bound by Danger...
Thrilled to have contemporary romance author Negeen Papehn on the blog today, who’s here to discuss her Forbidden Love series. Welcome, Negeen! Author Name: Negeen Papehn Book Title: Forbidden Love...
Please help me welcome author Mike Chen on the blog today to chat about his upcoming debut, Here and Now and Then! Author Name: Mike Chen Book: Here and Now...
Thrilled to have urban fantasy author and fellow #Authors18 member, B.P. Donigan on the blog today to talk about her debut, Fate Forged! Author Name: B.P. Donigan Book Title: Fate...
Author Clarissa Harwood joins us on the blog today to talk about her latest book, Bear No Malice, which launches on January 1, 2019. Welcome, Clarissa! Author Name: Clarissa Harwood...
Thrilled to have Anne Armistead join us on the blog today to talk about her novel, Dangerous Conjurings. Welcome, Anne! Author Name: Anne Armistead Book Title: Dangerous Conjurings Book Genre: Historical...
Nancy Jardine joins us on the blog today to talk about her latest release, Agricola’s Bane. Welcome, Nancy! Author Name: Nancy Jardine Book Title: Agricola’s Bane Book Genre: Historical Fiction...
Big welcome to Eloise De Sousa this week! She’s the author of The Iron Pendulum, which is out now. Author Name: Eloise De Sousa Book Title: The Iron Pendulum Book...
Very excited to welcome crime novelist, Angela Wren, to the blog. Her latest book just released today. Welcome, Angela! Author Name: Angela Wren Book Title: Montbel Book Genre: Cozy Crime...
Please join me in welcoming Suanne Schafer to the blog today. She and I are part of #Authors18, a group of debut authors of traditionally-published adult fiction coming out during...