Please help me welcome Carrie Callaghan to the blog today. Her second historical novel, Salt the Snow, was released earlier this year. Author Name: Carrie Callaghan Book Title: Salt the...
Debut author Sherri Leimkuhler joins us on the blog to chat about her journey to publication of What’s Left Untold, which launches today! Author Name: Sherri Leimkuhler Book Title: What’s...
Please welcome Mary Keliikoa. Her debut mystery–the first in the PI Kelly Pruett series–launches today! Author Name: Mary Keliikoa Book Title: DERAILED Book Genre: Mystery Release Date: May 12 (TODAY!)...
Excited to talk with Barbara Linn Probst this week. She’s the debut author of the well-received, Queen of the Owls. Welcome Barbara! Author Name: Barbara Linn Probst Book Title: Queen...
Please help me welcome Sheri Hunter to the blog this week. Her memoir, Daring to Live, is out now! Author Name: Sheri Hunter Book Title: Daring to Live: How the...
Ryan Wick joins us for an interview today. His forthcoming thriller, Safecracker, is due to launch this summer and is available for pre-order. Welcome, Ryan! Author Name: Ryan Wick Book...
Please help me welcome Eliza Nellums to the blog today. She’s here to chat about writing and All That’s Bright and Gone. Author Name: Eliza Nellums Book Title: All That’s...
I’m so thrilled to share my interview with Alison Hammer today. She’s the debut author of the stunning, You and Me and Us. Welcome, Alison! Author Name: Alison Hammer Book...
Diane Byington joins us on the blog this week to discuss her latest novel, a time-travel thriller, If She Had Stayed. Welcome, Diane! Author Name: Diane Byington Book Title: If...
Excited to have Nicole Mabry on the blog today. She’s here to discuss her timely novel, Past This Point. Welcome, Nicole! Author Name: Nicole Mabry Book Title: Past This Point...