Thrilled to have fantasy author Katherine Forrister on the Spotlight this week to discuss her novel, Lodestone Author Name: Katherine Forrister Book Title: Lodestone Book Genre: Dark Fantasy Release Date:...
Alison Cochrun joins the Spotlight to discuss her LBGTQIA romance, The Charm Offensive Author Name: Alison Cochrun Book Title: The Charm Offensive Book Genre: Romance/LGBTQIA Release Date: September 7th, 2021...
The Spotlight welcomes Jaye Viner this week, author of Jane of Battery Park Author Name: Jaye Viner Book Title: Jane of Battery Park Book Genre: Romantic Thriller Release Date: 8-31-21...
Women’s fiction author, Christina Consolino, joins the Spotlight this week to chat about Rewrite the Stars Author Name: Christina Consolino Book Title: Rewrite the Stars Book Genre: Women’s Fiction Release...
Very pleased to welcome Jen Karner to the Spotlight this week and discuss Cinders of Yesterday Author Name: Jen Karner Book Title: Cinders of Yesterday Book Genre: Paranormal Romance Release...
Big welcome to C. D’Angelo, women’s fiction author of The Difference Author Name: C. D’Angelo Book Title: The Difference Book Genre: Women’s Fiction Release Date: July 29, 2021 Publisher: Independent...
Author Cheryl Grey Bostrom joins us this week to chat about her debut, Sugar Birds Author Name: Cheryl Grey Bostrom Book Title: Sugar Birds Book Genre: Literary (Upmarket) Fiction –...
Pleased to welcome author Susan Schoenberger to the Spotlight today to discuss her latest, The Liability of Love Author Name: Susan Schoenberger Book Title: The Liability of Love Book Genre: Women’s Fiction Release Date: July...
Author Marian Leah Knapp joins the Spotlight to discuss her biography, Prohibition Wine Author Name: Marian Leah Knapp Book Title: Prohibition Wine: A True Story of One Woman’s Daring in...
Author Kristin Contino joins the Spotlight this week to discuss her second novel, A House Full of Windsor Author Name: Kristin Contino Book Title: A House Full of Windsor Book...