Romance author, Shelby Saville, joins the Spotlight to share about her latest novel, And They Had a Great Fall

Author Name: Shelby Saville

Book Title: And They Had a Great Fall 

Book Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Date: March 11, 2025

Publisher: She Writes Press

Welcome Shelby! How would you describe And They Had a Great Fall?

For fans of Robinne Lee’s The Idea of You, a debut contemporary romance about a celebrity and a single mother who push and pull against each other as they teeter between a carrying on a secret affair and living an authentic life.

What sparked the idea for this book?

The story came to me after reading a GQ article by Daniel Riley. He was profiling a young, up and coming actor. He observed that the actor was in a “window of in between-ity— … While it was the beginning of something enormous for him, it was also, a little sadly, the end of something else – the very last days of the first part of his life.”

That line stuck with me. I found it beautiful and sad in the best of ways. I made me think about the space between the before and the after when life changes. That’s the space when you’re redefining your life, often unconsciously. I wondered what would happen if you put two characters together who are stalled as their lives are changing. One character’s life is changing due to success, the other, tragedy. 

The character of Jake was born. He’s a young actor who is finally getting the one thing he always wanted: fame. But it’s not all he hoped for, and he’s cracking under the expectations that come with living a life in public. 

I paired him with Kat whose life changed years ago when her husband died, leaving her and her young daughter. She’s grappling with the promise of a life that never happened and believes that her own joy is no longer part of life’s equation. 

I crashed these two flawed, complex characters together who on the surface don’t make sense but fell into a secret romance during the pandemic. Their romance came fast and easy, because the entire world was stalled. And They Had a Great Fall is the story of when they reunite a year later. The world has reopened and moved on, but they are both still stuck. I was fascinated to explore what happens when they’re faced with reality of their lives and the risks that come with being together.

How long did it take for you to write the book? Did you do any research?

I actually wrote the core of the story in about six weeks, but I took nearly a year editing and refining the story. As for research, I spent most of my time really diving into today’s always-on celebrity culture. Fans have an increased interaction and knowledge of the artist they admire, spurred on by social media. It’s created a level of access and pressure that seems unrelenting. I studied three top male actors: Austin Butler, Timothee Chalamet, and Tom Holland, to get a sense of the of intense fandom that surrounds them (and the people they love). It was important for me to show an actor as an artist and the mental turmoil of reconciling their art with the aspect of “celebrity”. 

What drew you to writing romance?

I love the how cathartic it can be to get wrapped up in a great love story and any time I wrote, even poetry or short stories, they always tipped towards romance. That said, I wanted to twist the genre a bit.  I wanted to write a romance novel with a female main character that reflected a strong woman with a big job and a big heart. My character, Kat, has a lot of agency over her life, and she believes she is there to “save” Jake. Conversely, I know many creative, artistic and sensitive men. Jake is charming and powerful because of how he harnesses and shows his emotions. I loved writing characters who felt and acted like real people vs. an archetype. 

What’s your favorite part about writing/being an author? What do you find challenging?

My day job is being a CEO of a large media agency, and I write on the side.

The most challenging thing is TIME.  I believe it took me so long to edit this novel because I wrote it in twenty-minute increments (commutes, late nights in hotels or an early morning inspiration).

I can’t wait for the “perfect” time to write. I have to write whenever life allows. 

If you were speaking to someone who hasn’t read your writing before, why should they want to read And They Had A Great Fall?

I write with a sense of realism. This is a romance novel with a lot of angst, but not trauma. There is a lot of heart, but not a rom com. There is a nod to common tropes, but this is not a formulaic heavy trope novel. I think that realistic look at what would happen when these two characters come together, in the backdrop of one of the most interesting cities in the world (Copenhagen), makes for an interesting read. 

What do you hope readers will take away from this story?

I set out to tell a story of two complex, flawed and very real people who feel very much stuck in their current life. At its heart, it is a story of a woman who finally explores what would happen if she just said YES to a risk that could bring her joy. I am hoping readers take away that life is too short to stay in your comfort zone and you can set your life on a different course.

What about the writing/editing/publishing process has been the most surprising to you so far?

I thought the advertising industry (where I work) was disrupted by technology and new ways of working, so I wasn’t surprised by the disruption to publishing. The publishing industry has been completely reimagined and that was very exciting to step into. The most surprising for me personally? Despite being a Journalism major in college, I’d completely forgotten how to use correct punctuation. I blame it on my primary form of communication these days: email and text messages!

Any words of wisdom you give your pre-published writer self (or to a new writer)?

Don’t be afraid to step in the unknown and figure it out. I was used to being the “boss” and I went into a place where I all of a sudden didn’t know anything! I had to seek out a lot of people and learn as much as possible about writing and publishing. That is one of the reasons I was thrilled to be accepted by She Writes Press. It feels like I am getting a rapid degree in publishing, and I am so thankful that they take the time to teach their writers! I found joy in the journey of learning instead of letting it overwhelm me. 

What are your interests outside of writing and reading?

Since writing is not my main career, I spend a lot of time working in my “day job” of Media and advertising. Outside of work, I love to travel with my husband and teenage daughter. Along with traveling we can often be found running around various theme parks, watching movies or on a mini-golf course. 

Are you working on a new project? Please tell us about it. 

I have also been toying with a prequel for, And They Had A Great Fall. Many of my early readers have asked if I’d consider a prequel to show Kat’s life before Jake and when they first met. I am currently sketching out that story arc. I also really enjoyed reading a holiday-themed story, so I am working on that as well. 

What was the last book you read? What did you think of it?

I read Romantic Comedy by Curtis Sittenfeld. I absolutely loved it. It had such wit and banter, I found myself smiling while I read it. 

Where can readers find you?

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If anyone resides in the Chicagoland area, I will be at Love Sweet Arrow in Tinley Park, IL on March 15 at noon.

And They Had a Great Fall

For fans of Robinne Lee’s The Idea of You, a debut contemporary romance about a celebrity and a single mother who push and pull against each other as they teeter between a carrying on a secret affair and living an authentic life.

If Jake Laurent is the “human equivalent of Friday,” Kat Green is “Monday.” Nevertheless, the two shared a secret (if casual) affair during the pandemic, and now, almost exactly one year later, they’ve reunited in Copenhagen, the “city of fairy tales.” Only neither one of them is living a fairy tale.

Jake is a young actor who’s cracking under the public pressure that comes with rising celebrity. Kat is a single mother at the top of her career who believes she’s holding it all together but is barely living. Each one is a simple escape for the other—until the security Kat has worked so hard to build for her tiny family comes under threat, and Jake has to decide if he can keep Kat a secret even if it’s at the expense of his own fame.

And They Had a Great Fall is the story of two people who are going through the motions in life—until they finally look inside themselves to figure out what it takes to find a happily ever after.