Lenore Borja returns to the Spotlight to chat about her latest YA fantasy, The Lost Portal

Author Name: Lenore Borja

Book Title: The Lost Portal

Book Genre: YA fantasy

Release Date: October 8, 2024

Publisher: SparkPress

Welcome back, Lenore! How would you describe your latest release?

The Lost Portal is a YA fantasy that follows Hadley Caldwell and her band of huntress sisters as they embark on an epic journey across oceans, dreams, and time. Their task: find the ancient Portal of Osiris, or face the gods’ eternal wrath.

What inspired the idea for this book?

The Mirror Realm series was inspired by my husband’s discovery of a hidden space behind a mirror in our apartment. It was just an empty linen closet, but it still made me wonder: What if every mirror had something to hide?

I took this concept and created a realm that connects every mirror in the world. Then I expanded on a little-known myth regarding The Furies (Greek goddesses of vengeance) and a mortal named Cithaeron. Several months and thousands of words later, a mythology-inspired portal fantasy was born. And since book one (The Last Huntress) hints at the involvement of an Egyptian god, I knew book two needed to be set in Egypt.

How has your real life (day job, hobbies, etc.) informed your books (or latest release)?

I was fortunate to visit Egypt a few years ago and my memories of that trip inspired some of the scenes set in Cairo and Giza. Seeing the Nile, the pyramids, and the Great Sphinx in person was a dream come true—but it was almost more fun to see them through my characters’ eyes!

In what ways do you think you’ve evolved as an author since your first book came out [or over the course of your career so far]?

I’ve learned to trust my gut. I wrote a 120K word manuscript that I ultimately scrapped. About halfway through, I knew something wasn’t working but I pushed through anyway. The result was a story I wasn’t excited about—so I started over. That was a hard decision, but I’m grateful for the exercise. Now, I listen when my gut is telling me something is wrong. It knows where the story needs to go!

What’s your favorite part about writing/being an author? What do you find challenging?

Favorite part about writing: Discovery. I love it when my characters say or do something that surprises me. Sometimes it feels like they’re telling me what to type! It’s an incredible feeling, knowing they exist because I brought them into existence. That said, sometimes they refuse to cooperate, resulting in the obliteration of my outline. (Though to be fair, my outlines are loosey-goosey at best, so it’s no real loss!)

What I find challenging: Marketing and social media. While it can be fun, it takes time and energy to create good, consistent content. I’m still struggling to find the balance between writing and marketing, but I’m hopeful I’ll find my groove eventually!

What about the writing/editing/publishing process has been the most surprising to you so far (or how has it changed for you over the course of your career)?

When I wrote my first book, I didn’t pay attention to chapters and word count. I do now, and it’s saved me a lot of work on the back end. I’ve also learned that it’s important to like the story I write because I’ll probably have to read it three hundred times before it goes to print! 

What advice would you give to writers just starting out?

Show up. Sit down every day, and write. There will be days you feel inspired, and days you don’t. But if you keep showing up, you’ll make progress. Also, read as much as you can. Great writers are usually avid readers.

What’s capturing your imagination these days outside of reading and writing?

Travel, mainly. I try to avoid visiting the same place twice—unless it’s New York City. I lived there for over two decades and I like to get back at least once or twice a year to get my Big Apple fix. Otherwise, I’m all about new places and experiences!

Can you tell us about what you’re working on now?

I’m working on book three of the Mirror Realm series (Olivia’s installment). Each book is told from a different huntress’s POV. Since Olivia has a unique, supernatural ability, she’s a challenge to write for—but I’m enjoying her journey!

What was the last book you read? What did you think of it?

I just finished Never Lie by Frieda McFadden. It’s a fun, psychological thriller with deliciously devious characters and a surprising twist. I love Frieda’s books and usually devour them in 2-3 sittings.

The Lost Portal

Hadley Caldwell and her band of huntresses had kept humanity safe by hunting demons for years. But then the Mirror Realm disappeared, replacing her life with bridesmaid dresses, family pressures, and occasionally hosting ancient deities in her sleep. Dream-hosting is no dangerous quest, but Hadley is willing to play along to keep the gods happy. 

But then the gods demand the Portal of Osiris, which was part of the Realm. The gods believe it still exists, and claim it holds the key to their salvation. This takes Hadley and her band of huntress sisters on a quest to the sands of Egypt and beyond. But chasing a portal isn’t as easy as outrunning your past, and soon Hadley learns that the gods can’t be trusted… and some portals should never be found.

 “The Lost Portal is like the biggest, baddest, and boldest roller coaster at the amusement park. From dizzying heights to heart-stopping plunges, the thrilling ride through Hadley’s world of mystery, magic, and mayhem is a journey readers won’t soon forget. Fans of adventure, sisterhood, and the supernatural will find a home in the Mirror Realm series. A must-read!” —Turney Duff, New York Times best-selling author of The Buy Side

Author bio:

Lenore Borja grew up in Phoenix, Arizona. She attended Arizona State University before moving to New York City to study acting at The American Academy of Dramatic Arts. After a brief career as an actress, she spent several years working in executive search and human resources in New York and San Francisco. She now resides in Fort Collins, Colorado with her husband and a bossy feline named Maximus. When she’s not writing, she enjoys adventure travel and anything that gets the heart racing, whether it’s hiking, running, or getting lost in a good book.